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Work Outs To Gain Muscle

November 30th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Work Outs To Gain Muscle
You can run a lot and gain muscle mass and even if you train?

My friend is very thin, but has a little pudgy stomach. Is there any way you can lose fat in your area AB and still gain muscle and get buff. He began to eat protein packed food and running on the treadmill and work on ….. Basically, Pula can still get him even if hes trying to lose fat in your ab area?

Yes! With interval training runs. SPRINT for 30 seconds. Then walk or jog in 1:30 seconds. Sprint again for 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle of about 30 minutes. They burn up to 9 times more fat than jogging slow and steady. Good job with the protein. Eat about 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. And strength training course … that is one. Given plenty of water, vitamins and minerals. Eat small meals of roughly 8 calories per day 200-300. (Eat every 2 hours). This will prevent the body into starvation mode. Good luck, good health

Chest Workouts – Weight Training Exercises To Build Big Pecs

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