
Posts Tagged ‘gaining’

Gaining Muscle

November 30th, 2009 No comments

Gaining Muscle
What are the steps in gaining muscle weight?

I just killed my body. I lost so much weight that along with fat, I lost 10 pounds of muscle.
Here are my questions:
1.What’s the first step in gaining muscle weight? WITHOUT gaining anyyy fat?
2.How much calories do I need daily?
3.How often do I work out? Do I need protein bars or shakes?

I’m 15 by the way.
I’m sorta tall, around 5’6 and 120 pounds.
I look like skin and bones with no muscle at all.

the only way to regain muscle mass is to gain weight like me i used to be 120 pounds now im 140 and once i get to 150 pounds im going to start to workout and ill be a good 130 pounds pure muscle as for the calories i would say around 2000 depending on your age group i would get that checked it aslso has to do with how active u are and all of that i would say to do rotation for example wok on your upper body on monday and your lower body on tuesday then take a 1-2 day break because how it works is after a day of working out if u rest ur muscle will expand and heal because what happens when u work out is u strech and rip the muscle and if u give a it a day or two to heal thats how u get big gun like mine jk no my guns arnt amazing anyways for food wise eat alot of protein and get ur calcium and fibers because that will help speed up the healing process oh and just a little tip after working out have a banana it will help u in the morning greatly by making u less sore… good luck 😛

Weight Training Routines For Building Muscle

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